Sunday, November 11, 2007

Elaine is SICK

She through up like 8 times last night. She felt feverish and had trouble getting to sleep.

This morning, it was Jim's day to run the sound for children's church. So we couldn't skip. I took Elaine to 'big church' with me. She started coughing, so we snuck into the 'Cry room' which overlooks the main sanctuary. There are toys, books and coloring activities in the Cry room for noisy toddlers to play with. Elaine ended up throwing up in the waste basket. :(

It was a good thing that we all made it to church though. Brenda handed me the certificate with info about picking up our *free* Thanksgiving dinner supplies. Jim has to go fetch the food for us next Saturday while I'm at work.
Also next Saturday is a potluck dinner at the church for 20's & 30's people. So we'll be heading there as soon as Jimmy picks me up from work next weekend.

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