Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Returning popcorn to their home after the movie.
School today , My summer Job opportunity
Jim said he had two calls this morning from neighbors wanting to buy our Taurus. He told them what all is wrong with it and they were still interested. He didn't get specifics worked out over the phone, because he was working at the Elk's lodge at the time. So the neighbors are supposed to call Jimmy back some time later. Jim worked all this morning and then I went to class, and Jimmy just left for work tonight at Cracker Barrel.
I brought my Geebra to lecture today and got lots of compliments. My classmates said they hadn't bought the supplies for the project yet and were surprised I was done with it. I just wanted the mixed-animal print Geebra to be seen so if anyone else has a similar idea, I don't look like a copy cat. During the lecture time today, the class had to bring all our popcorn statues and put them in funny places on campus. We had to take photos to prove we attended the event. So I'll share some of those later.
Job opportunity:
I walked over to the trailer park's management office and talked to Trina while paying our Lot rent for March. Trina is looking for a new babysitter for her granddaughter. The baby is a newborn and has been staying with a very old lady in the trailer park. Trina would feel better if the child was with a young mom (Trina actually said, "someone that isn't going to have a heart attack while babysitting").
Trina said she had three young ladies in mind from the neighborhood and I was one of them. Evidently, Trina's first choice for a babysitter has twin sons and just had a newborn of her own. So that young mom couldn't handle a second newborn around the house in the daytime.
I told Trina that I couldn't do it during this Spring, because I go to classes three days a week. But if she hasn't found anyone in May when summer starts, we could "re-evaluate". Trina would bring the newborn to the trailer park around 8am, when she is heading to work in the management office here. So if there was an emergency, the baby's grandma is next door.
This summer I am only taking Spanish online classes (NO in-person classes), so I will be home with my kiddos all day. I like the idea of earning money this summer by watching another kid. A newborn is easy in one respect, because the girl wouldn't be crawling much yet and meals are just formula. I didn't want to COMMIT to anything until we see how Jimmy's work schedule/school schedule plays out.
I brought my Geebra to lecture today and got lots of compliments. My classmates said they hadn't bought the supplies for the project yet and were surprised I was done with it. I just wanted the mixed-animal print Geebra to be seen so if anyone else has a similar idea, I don't look like a copy cat. During the lecture time today, the class had to bring all our popcorn statues and put them in funny places on campus. We had to take photos to prove we attended the event. So I'll share some of those later.
Job opportunity:
I walked over to the trailer park's management office and talked to Trina while paying our Lot rent for March. Trina is looking for a new babysitter for her granddaughter. The baby is a newborn and has been staying with a very old lady in the trailer park. Trina would feel better if the child was with a young mom (Trina actually said, "someone that isn't going to have a heart attack while babysitting").
Trina said she had three young ladies in mind from the neighborhood and I was one of them. Evidently, Trina's first choice for a babysitter has twin sons and just had a newborn of her own. So that young mom couldn't handle a second newborn around the house in the daytime.
I told Trina that I couldn't do it during this Spring, because I go to classes three days a week. But if she hasn't found anyone in May when summer starts, we could "re-evaluate". Trina would bring the newborn to the trailer park around 8am, when she is heading to work in the management office here. So if there was an emergency, the baby's grandma is next door.
This summer I am only taking Spanish online classes (NO in-person classes), so I will be home with my kiddos all day. I like the idea of earning money this summer by watching another kid. A newborn is easy in one respect, because the girl wouldn't be crawling much yet and meals are just formula. I didn't want to COMMIT to anything until we see how Jimmy's work schedule/school schedule plays out.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Quick update
I gotta get back to my nutrition homework, but I wanted to fill yall in:
Today in Design class we were told about 6 small projects that all have to be done in the next week or so. I made one of them today. So expect more photos of odd projects.
Jimmy did our taxes today, because he needed the Tax info for registering at Devry. We're getting a good refund this year. That will help get us all caught up after buying the oh-so-necessary new transportation.
To get him registered this week, we have to pay back tuition (around $400) to Devry.... THEN he can register for his final semester. Jim called a few 'we buy any car' places. They offered only $200!! We need enough to cover at least Jimmy's back tuition. We would be fine if a) we hadn't bought the van OR b) Rent wasn't due this week. We put a sign on the back of the Taurus, saying it's for sale. Maybe we'll get a better offer from a neighbor on the car.
I talked to Keila in the theatre today. She says I don't have to paint for about another week at least, because they are behind on building the set which I will be painting. I went by the theatre department office. They didn't have a free script reserved for me, so I have to go to the library soon so I can read the play I will be painting for.
Gotta run, but that's about it for today.
Today in Design class we were told about 6 small projects that all have to be done in the next week or so. I made one of them today. So expect more photos of odd projects.
Jimmy did our taxes today, because he needed the Tax info for registering at Devry. We're getting a good refund this year. That will help get us all caught up after buying the oh-so-necessary new transportation.
To get him registered this week, we have to pay back tuition (around $400) to Devry.... THEN he can register for his final semester. Jim called a few 'we buy any car' places. They offered only $200!! We need enough to cover at least Jimmy's back tuition. We would be fine if a) we hadn't bought the van OR b) Rent wasn't due this week. We put a sign on the back of the Taurus, saying it's for sale. Maybe we'll get a better offer from a neighbor on the car.
I talked to Keila in the theatre today. She says I don't have to paint for about another week at least, because they are behind on building the set which I will be painting. I went by the theatre department office. They didn't have a free script reserved for me, so I have to go to the library soon so I can read the play I will be painting for.
Gotta run, but that's about it for today.
Geebra decided he just had to be content with who he is.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Early birds
Pancake tots
I made pancakes this morning for the kiddos and the spare kiddo I was babysitting today. They went over well, but the girls needed a bath...syrup in their hair!
Jimmy worked 10 hours strait at cracker barrel today. He came home and went strait to sleep. We get to take the new Van to church tomorrow. I still haven't rode in it, because Jimmy has been at work essentially since he bought it on Friday. Tonight at the Cracker Barrel the power went out for 30 minutes. There have been dust storms all over Denton with an orange sky. The mister was blown off our roof here.
Jimmy works tomorrow at 2:30pm, after church. We're seeing Dave tomorrow too. Hopefully the guys can get the Taurus jumped and get it to start, to at least get it home. We're afraid that it might get towed away by the business it is parked in front of. If the guys can't get it to start, we're gonna have to call a tow truck to get it home.
Dave said he'll change the oil on the new van for us.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Jimmy bought a van!
He woke up at 5am today and rode his bicycle to the Taurus about 3.5 miles from our house. He kept trying to get the car to start, but it wouldn't. And now, the battery on the Taurus needs a jump. He rode the bike on to the Denton Elk's lodge, to work. He noticed a van for sale across the street. It was marked at $2500. Jimmy took a test drive on his lunch break and got the owner to sell for $2000. It's a 1995 Ford Windstar. It seats at least 6. It's inspection doesn't expire until September.
Jimmy had to get back to the Elk's lodge to cook their dinner. But he wanted to show me the van and bring me some of the stuff out of the Taurus. We're gonna try to sell the Taurus to one of those places that doesn't' care if it's running or not.
Front Seats
2nd... and 3rd Row of seats.
Jim fetched our carseats from the Taurus. Elaine claimed the side with the wide window and personal A/C controls (Jim can override from the front seat).
There will be plenty of room for Dave or Micah or whomever with us now :) And the seats are removable. So if we ever have to move furniture or anything, we are set.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Side seam of the Purse
Lining of the Purse
The lining fabric was a quilting 'fat quarter'. Months ago when I found this rosy fabric remnant at Joann's, Jimmy let me pick out a couple options for lining. I think the total fabric invested in the handbag is under $4.
So if I make another purse, It would have a different lining.
The inside of this one isn't perfect, but it's better than the last purse I made (*hot glue was involved*).
I'll get use to sewing the more practice I have.
Soooo Exhausted
I'll tell you about my day from the get-go. Last night I was up until 4am painting Herbie, sewing a purse :) and generally not being able to doze off. Herbie was due this morning at10am. Few others in class had completed their popcorn sculptures. Some were unpainted. Some statues weren't really carved all the way, but they gave up on carving and painted their statues solid yellow. The TA guy, Jesse, pointed at mine as an example of great color-matching. Herbie was painted the same as the original popcorn. **I'm proud that I have talent** After class, I started to walk to the postoffice on campus to mail a package. But Jimmy called my cellphone. He was already at the other end of campus to pick me up from school. He was trying to save me from waiting on him, so he showed up promptly (not knowing I needed to go to the post office with a package). So I met up with Jimmy across campus and we grabbed sandwiches to-go for lunch.
When we got back to the car with the kids and our sandwiches, the car didn't start! It was/is stuck in front of a comic book store on University street. We sat in the car and ate our sandwiches, trying to start the car every 5 minutes for about a half hour. **12:30** Our first priority was to get the kids home. We took un-neccesary items out of my school bag and loaded it up with water bottles (from the package in the trunk of our car). Allan already had a wet diaper, so on University we walked up to the CVS Pharmacy and bought a small package of diapers, a single serving of milk, and some crackers/cookies. We wanted to be set in case the kids got fussy on the way home. I changed Allan's diaper at the CVS and we started out walking home.
Jimmy called his work because he was supposed to be at Cracker Barrel tonight at 5pm and he isn't sure how he'll get there. We kept on walking, each of us taking turns carrying Allan. Allan wasn't wearing shoes. After all, Jimmy just thought he was picking me up from class and heading back home. So we didn't let him walk too much of the way (just in front of a library and in some front yards on the way home). We had to keep stopping for Elaine to drink water. She walked a lot of the way on her own, but had to be carried by each of us off and on. We stopped once for about 20 minutes in the shade, because Allan fell asleep on Jimmy's shoulder and Jimmy was too tired to walk any more. We drank more water, cooled down, checked out my new sun burn and got back to walking. We tried to keep it light-hearted for Elaine. We compared ourselves to Dora the Explorer. "First we pass the firehouse, then the school and then we're at the Blue Castle (our house)". She didn't get whiney until about 3 hours had passed. She was wearing sandals and a dress, and the tall grass was bothering her.
We finally reached where the North end of the Loop meets Kings Row at 3:15pm. Our next door neighbor lady was coming home from work and saw us!! She recognized Elaine. She drove us the last mile home in her car. Us and the kids had already walked about 3 or so miles. Our neighbor gave us her phone numbers in case we get stuck somewhere again with the kids. I'm so grateful to be home. The kids have been playing in the bathtub for 30 minutes straight, cooling off. I took a shower. Jimmy is calling people, trying to find a ride for work. Meanwhile, he's exhausted.
Jimmy is gonna take one of our bicycles to work at the Elk's lodge in the morning. He works there all day tomorrow. He's gonna check on the car and see if he can get it to start after work tomorrow night. He might just have to get it towed home. I'll let yall know.
When we got back to the car with the kids and our sandwiches, the car didn't start! It was/is stuck in front of a comic book store on University street. We sat in the car and ate our sandwiches, trying to start the car every 5 minutes for about a half hour. **12:30** Our first priority was to get the kids home. We took un-neccesary items out of my school bag and loaded it up with water bottles (from the package in the trunk of our car). Allan already had a wet diaper, so on University we walked up to the CVS Pharmacy and bought a small package of diapers, a single serving of milk, and some crackers/cookies. We wanted to be set in case the kids got fussy on the way home. I changed Allan's diaper at the CVS and we started out walking home.
Jimmy called his work because he was supposed to be at Cracker Barrel tonight at 5pm and he isn't sure how he'll get there. We kept on walking, each of us taking turns carrying Allan. Allan wasn't wearing shoes. After all, Jimmy just thought he was picking me up from class and heading back home. So we didn't let him walk too much of the way (just in front of a library and in some front yards on the way home). We had to keep stopping for Elaine to drink water. She walked a lot of the way on her own, but had to be carried by each of us off and on. We stopped once for about 20 minutes in the shade, because Allan fell asleep on Jimmy's shoulder and Jimmy was too tired to walk any more. We drank more water, cooled down, checked out my new sun burn and got back to walking. We tried to keep it light-hearted for Elaine. We compared ourselves to Dora the Explorer. "First we pass the firehouse, then the school and then we're at the Blue Castle (our house)". She didn't get whiney until about 3 hours had passed. She was wearing sandals and a dress, and the tall grass was bothering her.
We finally reached where the North end of the Loop meets Kings Row at 3:15pm. Our next door neighbor lady was coming home from work and saw us!! She recognized Elaine. She drove us the last mile home in her car. Us and the kids had already walked about 3 or so miles. Our neighbor gave us her phone numbers in case we get stuck somewhere again with the kids. I'm so grateful to be home. The kids have been playing in the bathtub for 30 minutes straight, cooling off. I took a shower. Jimmy is calling people, trying to find a ride for work. Meanwhile, he's exhausted.
Jimmy is gonna take one of our bicycles to work at the Elk's lodge in the morning. He works there all day tomorrow. He's gonna check on the car and see if he can get it to start after work tomorrow night. He might just have to get it towed home. I'll let yall know.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Seemed like Spring today; just ask my allergies!!! I had a headache that was coming and going all morning. While we were picking up our groceries at Krogers, I started getting lightheaded and my headache was worse.
I realized that all the Valentines flowers were on Pollen was all over the store. Then I thought about it and realized my headache had been the worst in our car. All day we had our windows open because it was a beautiful day (over 60 degrees). So I'm sure the open windows contributed pollen to my headache.
I took some Tylenol allergy meds when I got home from the Krogers. It made me fall asleep, but got rid of my headache. :) I need to get some non-drowsy medicine for this in case it come up again soon. I had to take 2 Nutrition quizzes online tonight, so the nap came in handy earlier.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Elaine was trying to Read tonight
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Elaine on Valentine's Day
AlPal on Valentine's
I'm sensing a disturbance in the force
When Jimmy got home from work today (our car made it to and from Cracker Barrel), he and Dave went to rent the sensor to diagnose what is wrong with the Taurus. It only took about 10 minutes to get the test done on the car. There is a problem in Cylinder #2 and the EGR valve. Dave says the Cylinder #2 problem might be causing the problem in the EGR Valve. So, now that we know it is a problem on the underside of our engine, we know we aren't gonna be able to fix it without professional assistance.
Jimmy is gonna take the car for an estimate from a mechanic as soon as he can.
Dave had an interesting suggestion. He said that if the repairs will cost over $2o00, we should just buy a cheap car to last us between now and September. I hope it doesn't come to that. It seems like there would be a big hassle with transferring titles and insurance, etc. We'll know more once we talk to a mechanic. But at least today we ruled out a DIY repair job.
In other news: Last night Allan started to say "I love you" back when anyone says it to him. It's very cute. Earlier he said it with a huge lollipop in his mouth and it still clearly sounded like "I love you". He is starting to make more sense in general. If he hands me anything, he says "here you go". If I talk to him about potty training, he'll repeat "potty", "nice job", "all done", "stinky", "eww" and " he says either "Bye-bie" or "Bye-per" instead of 'diaper'.
Last night while I was cleaning their bedroom, the kids were kicking around a large ball in the dining room. I walked in and said "SOCCER!" and Allan repeated me (growling it like a monster). Elaine got huffy and said, "No! We're playing Wally Ball!!!" I think she meant Volley ball, but they were kicking it. :p
I heard my brother is having "family weekend" at his training in California (pre-Iraq). He invited his ex-roommate, Tim, to come up and hang out with him.
Jimmy is gonna take the car for an estimate from a mechanic as soon as he can.
Dave had an interesting suggestion. He said that if the repairs will cost over $2o00, we should just buy a cheap car to last us between now and September. I hope it doesn't come to that. It seems like there would be a big hassle with transferring titles and insurance, etc. We'll know more once we talk to a mechanic. But at least today we ruled out a DIY repair job.
In other news: Last night Allan started to say "I love you" back when anyone says it to him. It's very cute. Earlier he said it with a huge lollipop in his mouth and it still clearly sounded like "I love you". He is starting to make more sense in general. If he hands me anything, he says "here you go". If I talk to him about potty training, he'll repeat "potty", "nice job", "all done", "stinky", "eww" and " he says either "Bye-bie" or "Bye-per" instead of 'diaper'.
Last night while I was cleaning their bedroom, the kids were kicking around a large ball in the dining room. I walked in and said "SOCCER!" and Allan repeated me (growling it like a monster). Elaine got huffy and said, "No! We're playing Wally Ball!!!" I think she meant Volley ball, but they were kicking it. :p
I heard my brother is having "family weekend" at his training in California (pre-Iraq). He invited his ex-roommate, Tim, to come up and hang out with him.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Jim came home in the middle of the day for a bowl of soup before going back for the night shift at the Elk's lodge. He regretted leaving his cellphone at home. This morning he could not get his car to start. The engine would not turn over at all. He called his boss, Tim, from the Elk's lodge. Tim sent a buddy to give Jimmy a ride to work. The buddy also brought Jimmy home around 3pm. Jimmy was gonna call Robert for a ride back to work (Jimmy got Robert a job at the Elk's lodge washing dishes on Friday nights). But Robert didn't answer his cellphone. Jimmy went out to try our car again, and Praise God, the car started. So Jimmy went on to work.
While he was eating lunch, Jimmy called David. Dave's gonna come over tomorrow. The guys are gonna rent one of those sensor things and see what the car's computer says is wrong. Jimmy is debating taking the car to a mechanic. I think we're gonna see what all might be wrong according to the sensor, before taking the car to a mechanic. So we know what to expect. Hopefully the repairs are things us and Dave can handle instead of using a professional.
At least with Jim being in our own car tonight. I feel like it's more likely that he'll remember to pick up diapers and milk.
Feeling Overwhelmed ~ Frazzled
I woke up when the alarm went off for Jim to get ready for work at 6am. But I fell back asleep and Jimmy left for work. When I woke up later, I noticed that Jimmy had left his cellphone at home AND the Taurus is still in our driveway! He MUST have gotten a ride to work from someone. I have no way to call him to check in on what happened with the Taurus.
Yesterday Jimmy took me to class for my design lab and when it was over I called him for my ride home. He said the Taurus wouldn't start, so I should find somewhere warm to hang out until he got the car going. He called my cell about 30 minutes later. He put some water in the car and got it going. It made funny noises (sound like Allan whining) all the way back to the trailer. It was 21 degrees, so we didn't spend much time under the hood investigating. I can only assume that the car wouldn't start again this morning when Jimmy was rushing to work.
Maybe we can do something about it this weekend.
I wonder how Jimmy got to work, and how he is doing all of his job today. He normally has to drive to different stores to pick up the meat order and some produce, before cooking for the Elk's. I hate that he left his phone here, because I can't check on him.
Also, we are almost out of diapers and milk. I wonder if he will remember to pick that up if he is relying on a ride from someone else??? *frazzled*
I couldn't log into Blogger earlier, so I am behind on posting. Clearing my computer's cache fixed it.
I've been cleaning the house room-by-room this week. I totally cleaned our master bathroom and then our bedroom the other day. Last night I was sorting through the misc. stacks and boxes in my office/craft room. I'm hoping to get it vacuumed in here today and clean out the closet (which is used for Allan's clothing).
Yesterday Jimmy took me to class for my design lab and when it was over I called him for my ride home. He said the Taurus wouldn't start, so I should find somewhere warm to hang out until he got the car going. He called my cell about 30 minutes later. He put some water in the car and got it going. It made funny noises (sound like Allan whining) all the way back to the trailer. It was 21 degrees, so we didn't spend much time under the hood investigating. I can only assume that the car wouldn't start again this morning when Jimmy was rushing to work.
Maybe we can do something about it this weekend.
I wonder how Jimmy got to work, and how he is doing all of his job today. He normally has to drive to different stores to pick up the meat order and some produce, before cooking for the Elk's. I hate that he left his phone here, because I can't check on him.
Also, we are almost out of diapers and milk. I wonder if he will remember to pick that up if he is relying on a ride from someone else??? *frazzled*
I couldn't log into Blogger earlier, so I am behind on posting. Clearing my computer's cache fixed it.
I've been cleaning the house room-by-room this week. I totally cleaned our master bathroom and then our bedroom the other day. Last night I was sorting through the misc. stacks and boxes in my office/craft room. I'm hoping to get it vacuumed in here today and clean out the closet (which is used for Allan's clothing).
Monday, February 12, 2007
This is just a quick update. I have mucho homework/housework today.
1) It's supposed to snow here on Valentine's day. I only have to leave the house for class so that shouldn't be too bad.
2) We wanted to store our grassfed beef at our house next time we can buy a cow (whenever that is). This way we don't have to drive out to Sanger to get our beef when we want to cook something. Dave and I were keeping an eye out for a freezer for Jimmy. Dave found a work associate who wanted to sell two freezers as a pair for $75! One is supposed to be as large as a refridgerator on it's side and the other is smaller than that.
The work associate's mother died, so this is all stuff from an estate sale. The Freezers are my late Christmas gift for Jimmy. Dave got the cash from us yesterday and borrowed a truck from one of his friends. Dave's bringing the freezers tonight.
1) It's supposed to snow here on Valentine's day. I only have to leave the house for class so that shouldn't be too bad.
2) We wanted to store our grassfed beef at our house next time we can buy a cow (whenever that is). This way we don't have to drive out to Sanger to get our beef when we want to cook something. Dave and I were keeping an eye out for a freezer for Jimmy. Dave found a work associate who wanted to sell two freezers as a pair for $75! One is supposed to be as large as a refridgerator on it's side and the other is smaller than that.
The work associate's mother died, so this is all stuff from an estate sale. The Freezers are my late Christmas gift for Jimmy. Dave got the cash from us yesterday and borrowed a truck from one of his friends. Dave's bringing the freezers tonight.
New Example for Challenge
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Rusk Train Ride, page 2
Friday, February 09, 2007
Still feeling so sick
Jim slept under 6 blankets and was still freezing. Jim seems to feel better today, besides being achy all over. He worked at the Elk's lodge from 7am this morning. He came home for his break and headed back to work. He is trying out a new Catfish/Salmon recipe that he found in one of my Country Living magazines. The Elk's liked it for lunch. He got a couple compliments and one person said it needed salt. (But I think smoker's oversalt due to their lack of good tastebuds).
The kids brought me bottles to be filled and told me when Allan needed a diaper, but otherwise they let me sleep until almost 1pm. Allan crawled in bed with me and slept for an hour. I just feel weak, and cold, and my throat is sore from sinus drainage. I made some green tea to get some antioxidants going. I had a bowl of cereal when I woke up, so I could take medicine. But I think I'll have soup too for a late lunch. I'm not really hungry, but something warm on my throat sounds good. I'm so tired, but I have to do a Spanish quiz tonight before midnight. I get to do it a couple times for a higher grade, but I'm gonna start taking them early. Since I'm on medicine I want to give myself a few attempts at the quiz, so I get the best grade possible.
When Jim was here for his break, he got a call from the Cracker Barrell. The manager on the phone (who calls him, James, lol) appologized to Jimmy. This manager said that he knew about the time conflict and still made this last week's work schedule. Jim works tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 4pm.
The kids brought me bottles to be filled and told me when Allan needed a diaper, but otherwise they let me sleep until almost 1pm. Allan crawled in bed with me and slept for an hour. I just feel weak, and cold, and my throat is sore from sinus drainage. I made some green tea to get some antioxidants going. I had a bowl of cereal when I woke up, so I could take medicine. But I think I'll have soup too for a late lunch. I'm not really hungry, but something warm on my throat sounds good. I'm so tired, but I have to do a Spanish quiz tonight before midnight. I get to do it a couple times for a higher grade, but I'm gonna start taking them early. Since I'm on medicine I want to give myself a few attempts at the quiz, so I get the best grade possible.
When Jim was here for his break, he got a call from the Cracker Barrell. The manager on the phone (who calls him, James, lol) appologized to Jimmy. This manager said that he knew about the time conflict and still made this last week's work schedule. Jim works tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 4pm.