Thursday, February 08, 2007

Carving Foam, pic #1

In design class today we started carving out giant popcorn pieces. Mine is named Herbie. I had to pick a specific kernal of popcorn and mimic at the largest size possible. This gave me flashbacks of carving my 14foot statues for 'Scapino'. EVERYONE in class was shyly nipping at corners on their styrofoam cubes, but I was chopping out huge chunks. This is old news to me. I got this much of Herbie dug out in 90 minutes. We have all of classtime on Tuesday and Thursday to work on these. They are due the following Tuesday. It's a major project. If it wouldn't be super messy to do at home, I would do it over this weekend. Besides the mess, if I finish early I wont have anything to do during labtime and attendance is mandatory.
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