I heard from my brother today, via myspace message. He's working on a base in Fallujah. He describes it as working at "a cracked out home depot military style". He said he is safe and not getting shot at, but he's working "insane" hours. He doesn't get much time at a computer to email, so he keeps it short.
My church called Jimmy yesterday asking for Mark's mailing address. They are putting together a care package. I feel bad that I haven't mailed Mark's care package from me yet. I don't want to push Jimmy to drive me around to pick up items for the care package. But we'll get that done sometime soon. Mark's birthday is this coming week.
Jimmy missed work again today. He's been dizzy off and on all day. The kids were getting antsy from being inside for the last few days so we wandered around an antique mall, where Jimmy use to work in 2001. Jimmy was able to sit often. He says that hanging out with the kids is no where near as exhausting as working. After about an hour of walking around, his foot started hurting again. We came back home and he's taking a nap now.
He drank over a gallon of water last night and his body is still acting dehydrated. He said that he thinks he has a cold, because he keeps coughing and his throat is sore. It would explain some of the fatigue too. I think that Hope may be right about either diabetes or arthritis. Jim has become ill whenever he eats any thing of a sweet nature. He has been laying off the icecream and etcetera. Jim said that he can't remember the last time that he was sick for this many days straight.
I have Mark in my prayers. I want him and all of our troops to come home safe. You and Jimmy are also in my prayers.
Diabetes could be it...just went through similar situation with close friend. Send Jimmy to doc. to get tested! OK, that's my 2 cents!
Also, I just wanted to let you know that I activated your account at the retro housewife forum. Hope you stop by and say "Boo".
I hope your husband feels better--RH is right, he should get checked for diabetes. It often starts out the way you described. It's a serious disease, but can be treated. You guys are in my prayers.
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