1.Got the kids Immunized so they can get back on WIC and Elaine can register for Pre-K. We took them to the County clinic. Elaine kept asking why she had to see a doctor, if she isn't hurt or sick. Jim told her that she had to see a doctor so she could go to school. She and Allan are both way behind on scheduled shots. Elaine cried SO LOUD during the shots, and wiggled, which I'm sure made it hurt worse. After her shots, she wouldn't let either of us hold her. She was PISSED! Allan cried during his shots, but once he saw the lollipops, he was like, 'what shot?'
We went to walmart after the clinic to pick up some milk and peanut butter. Elaine asked when we were taking her to school. She felt jipped that she didn't get to go to school right after getting her shots. Some lady who worked at the clinic gave each of the kids a little beannie baby. Elaine's is a calico cat, which she promptly named, "Cleo, like uncle Dave's cat cleo." (see kitty in picture).
Allan on the other hand slept all afternoon yesterday, most of this morning and afternoon. When he was awake, he was a whiny pain. He also had projectile vomit directly on me last night. Thank Jesus we were standing on tile when he exploded!
2. Yesterday Jimmy and I submitted somewhere between 14-16 resumes or applications for Jim to get a job. Anything between here and Dallas related to IT help desks, computer trouble shooting or being a cook has an application from Jimmy. No word today (Tuesday) from any of those places, besides the automated response emails that say they received his cover letter and resume.
3. Jimmy did the forms for us to get back on Food stamps. We're expecting paperwork in the mail. Our church gave us Walmart giftcards to pick up some essentials this week. I've been drinking lots of water, to leave the tea for the kids. And when I make them mac 'n cheese, I CAN'T eat that (since 2005), so I just have some toast with Jelly instead. With no late night snacking, I've lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks. I've been taking my multivitamins, so make sure I don't get messed up.
4. Now that they are immunized, I called and got an appointment to get the kids back on WIC. The soonest appointment open is a week into July.
6. I was antsy the other night, so I cross-stitched a little housewife. I hadn't cross-stitched in years, but I have tons of stuff for it.
7. Allan has been wearing underwear more and more. He'll sit on the potty and occasionally actually produce results. He still sleeps in diapers and has tons of accidents in his underwear, but he's getting the hang of running for the potty.
1 comment:
What a great update! I feel like I'm right there with you, maybe even more connected than when we lived there. How silly.
We'll be praying for Jimmy's job situation and that the WIC appt can be done earlier.
I remember when we'd take the kids for shots. They always got to go to lunch wherever they wanted, which was usually a happy meal. They still call up and ask me :).
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