About 3 weeks ago, I dropped 12 pounds in one week. I'm still 11 pounds lighter than my average weight. I eat some lunch and dinner, and most days I have cereal for breakfast. But I've been taking it easy on my portion size to have more food around for when the kids get to snacking. Elaine never seems to stop being hungry, so I'm making her PBJ sandwiches ALL DAY. An example of taking my portions easy is like I water down the milk for my cereal. It tastes like skim milk, which isnt' bad. I've been cooking lots of Mac 'n Cheese with TurkeyDogs for the kids and Jim. But I can't eat either hotdogs or mac 'n cheese without a bad belly ache (and worse). So when they eat that or PB&J, I've had toast or a tortilla with black beans. Peanut Butter is another things that makes me ill. Tonight I'm defrosting some chicken and making Chicken and Rice. :)
We were supposed to take Allan for more immunizations this week to get him all caught up. But he had a a hot fever last night for hours. I read online, on WebMD, that the Mumps/Rubella immunization could cause aches and fevers for 3 weeks after the injection. That is one of the immunizations Allan received two weeks ago. So that might explain the fevers. I don't want to mess with his chemistry while he's still ill. He can get his immunizations next week.
The good news is that in the last few days he used the potty most of the day. So we are starting to save some diapers. He even made it through a nap with dry underwear. Hoorah! Funny thing is that he wants to sit backwards on the toilet when he pees, since other guys face the commode when they pee.
Jimmy talked to our neighbor, who rarely gets a day off from work, and arranged for him to mow her yard when he mows ours. He'll get some cash and since her front yard meets our backyard, it doesn't take that much extra time to get the job done. The neighbor works at the Best Buy in Flower Mound and said they are looking for Computer guys there. So Jimmy applied online for both Flower Mound's Best Buy and Denton's Best Buy. They didn't have openings before this.
Jimmy picked up two computers from the church on Sunday. He said they'll only take about 4 hours to fix them both. But every bit of work helps. I asked our Pastor if I could get reimbursed for the expenses I had making the painting. (I turned in my receipt from Hobby Lobby 3 weeks ago). He said, "sure no problem at all" and then went to this church constitution meeting for the elders. I don't think he got that I was hoping to be reimbursed then. The supplies were only $20 for the painting, and Jim heard them say they'd pay me for my time too later. I was just hoping for the $20 for now, if that's all they could do. *ugg* The good news is that the church leadership prayed and okay'd paying our trailer's lot rent for July. We're just trying to get together the trailer rent, electric bill and gas cash. Jim is working on those computers today at home since the church isn't open Monday-Wednesday this week. He wants to drop them off Thursday and get paid for that work.
I made signs for "affordable computer repair" with the little tear-off phone number strips. I plan to stick the signs up at the Walmart, Krogers, etc. And on Monday when I start summer school, I am gonna run around and stick some signs up on campus near the bookstores, cafeterias, near the on-campus computer labs and the Baptist student center.
Elaine found a jigsaw puzzle up on a shelf in her room. I had it put away for when she was older, but she wanted it last night. It took 3 hours but she did the 300 piece puzzle. She was very proud. She broke it up before bed and is re-doing it now, behind me.
My big good news is that I found out online today that Spanish 3 will indeed be offered online this Fall at Midland College. So I can continue taking my foreign language classes online. :) I never received my degree plan in the mail from UNT (it's over a month late). So I am gonna follow up on that. I want to get the degree plan in my hands so I can meet with some advisers and get specifics on which classes I need to graduate in the next 18 months.
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