Sunday, July 15, 2007

Herbie Hysteria!!

Does everyone remember Herbie? He's my huge popcorn kernel statue from Design 2 this spring. I am in a daily photo challenge on, where I am supposed to upload photos of my favorite things. I've had some nice responses to a lot of my artwork (I'm hoping someone will want a charcoal child portrait). But Herbie has received LOTS of attention! Another lady in the photo challenge, Suzanne13 posted this picture today...

HERBIE'S GROUPIES "Description: This one's for Herbie. He now has his own fanclub. They also petition against oversized popcorn being put in the microwave against their will."

I cracked up when I saw that she glued eyes on popcorn (I read on and discovered that her inlaws were in town while she did this.... hilarious).

Suzanne13 got the following comments about her photo:
funny, (and a little creep too, all those popcorn eyes staring at you from the bowl)"
How funny! How long did that take you?"
I love it! I expect i will catch up with who Herbie is as view the photos and comments whilst i was away. Must have taken you ages to stick those eyes on! You are right; you do have too much time on your hands LOL"
Now THAT is original. I am still laughing. I think you have cured me from ever eating popcorn again, I will think of Herbie and just pass by."
That is hilarious and I don't even know who Herbie is! :o)"

1 comment:

The Moo said...

LOL! Love the pic of herbie and the take off with the herbie groupies!