I'm nervous about when I'll be scheduled to work. For my communication class, I was assigned to volunteer for one day as a camp counselor at Camp Summit (next Saturday). I'll be assisting special needs children all day from 9am-7pm, then I have to give a speech about my service experience in the communication class later this semester.
I PRAY that I am not assigned to work that same Saturday. I'd hate to request a day off less than one week into a new job. But it's for school and I didn't know about the date of the service project until this last Tuesday. Feel free to pray on this one, that there isn't a time conflict that one Saturday.
*Booo* I got a sucky grade on a Spanish test tonight. Since it is graded automatically by a computer, I'm emailing the professor to see if I can get partial credit on some of the questions. It wanted like "anduve" and I wrote "estoy anduve". I gave too much info, but I knew the main part. I hope I can get more points. I'll just have to do better on the next one. I've had all A's til tonight.
*YAY* I spent about an hour and got a lot of progress done on Micah's mask for Halloween. (see picture below). Micah will send $ to cover supplies and shipping once I can estimate that amount for him. I haven't been able to price check the fake fur yet. Everything I've done so far has been free (paper mache from old newspapers, etc)
*Yay* We got a letter from Uncle Sam, saying that legislation was passed to increase the amount that a family of four receives in Food Stamps each month. That'll take effect in October.
*I did some paper filing today, some dishes and laundry... so I feel like my world is less chaotic. Out of sight, out of mind. *
*Boo* Last night around 11pm, I realized what the DATE was and that I had forgotten to call my mom on her Birthday. Not good. Too late to call her then. I'm feeling sorry about that one.
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