My financial aid should come sometime within 5 weeks of when I re-applied. So that's October 2nd at the latest. I have been praying that is comes sooner rather than later. Tonight when I checked my financial aid records online, I saw that there has been SOME activity. A new folder has been made for 2008 aid and a new item was put on my to-do list. For my to-do list, I just had to read a letter about how many classes I can take as an undergrad before not receiving federal aid (I'm gonna clear that number without problem). No new info is IN the folder for my 2008 aid, but I'm pleased as punch that I can tell that someone at UNT has been looking over my financial aid account. I'll take any sign of progress. :)
I think my speech went okay today. I wasn't nervous before it AT ALL. But as soon as I started talking my heart started pounding in my chest like I was running a marathon. I got lots of compliments for the charcoal drawing after I finished the speech. I heard from a classmate that I had "good eye contact" but I felt like I barely looked up from my cue card or facing the drawing. I dunno.
I just checked my grade online. I got an 82. For this class that's pretty great. The syllabus says that if we meet all the requirements for an exercise, then we get a C. We have to go above and beyond to get an A or B. I still feel like it didn't go as well as it could.
I started working on the mask for Micah's bunny costume. I need to make the lower jaw, ears and eyes still.
I read online something clever my brother wrote today. This is me passing it along because it's well-written:
Sep 13, 2007 2:16 PM
After a looong 7 month relationship i finally got rid of my girlfriend !!! it definitely hasn't been the best 7 months i've spent with someone but hey at least we left each other on good terms and hopefully i'll never see her again!!!! hell, what can you expect ?? she was a real hassle keeping up with and i constantly had to bathe she'll get tossed into a wooden crate along with a crap load of others just like her ...and all of their previous mates handing them over with giant sighs of was fun while it lasted and i'm just glad i didn't have to unleash your wrath on anyone..good bye old my 8 1/2 Lb. paper weight. i hope you find yourself a man that can truly use you for all that your worth...good bye M-16 !!!
Here's a link to the most recent story about Jessica Birge, who has been missing for 34 days.
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