Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We're getting the Van back!

It had a fried starter and a broken water pump. The mechanics are done and we get it back tonight. Steven just drove up from Garland and fetched Jimmy. He's taking Jim to meet Dave at the mechanic's office. Jim says he'll wait til rush hour dies down to drive back up to Denton.

With the title all signed by the lawyer guy (thanks to me), Jim can get the registration updated tomorrow while I'm in class. AND Jim can run his paper route tomorrow. I was afraid he might loose that job if he missed the paper route. Also, I wont have to ride the bike to campus tomorrow! :)
I woke up today with achy calves. Jim let me sleep in til almost 11am. My sunburn or windburn, whatever it was, has subsided. I just look a little tan.
I'm doing the review sheet for my Sociology of Religion exam all day today. It's a 3 page review and all the questions require short answer or essays in response.

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