Monday, April 02, 2007

Dotted Table Skirt

The Hancock's Fabrics in Denton is going out of business. Jimmy took me after church and said I had 10mins to shop (he and Micah were sitting in the car with the kids). I quickly found some Red fabric with large Minnie Mouse sized polka dots that was on sale for $2.39 per yard. Happy early Birthday to me!
This afternoon I sewed a table skirt for my craft table from the red fabric. I made the table skirt like it was a curtain (pocket on top, hem on bottom). I wrapped thick craft wire around the front 3 sides of the craft table, to act as a tension rod for the 'curtain'. It's a bold look, but I like it. Very me. :D
I just wanted to cover the stuff that is stored under the table (large rubbermaid containers and tackleboxes full of Painting gear). It's all organized stuff. I didn't want to stare at my supplies all the time.

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