Tuesday, April 10, 2007

QUICK Easter recap

Jeannie and Dave picked me up early before church and we all had everything ready in time for the service. There were bumps in the road, but the sermon and the skit were great. I left my camera at home and Jimmy also forgot to bring it, so our only pictures from Easter at church are the semi-professional Family photos that were taken of us. We had a set taken of the kids, Jimmy and I; and then another set was shot with Micah added to our family. When we got home after church, all of us except Micah took long naps.
Preparing for the Easter skit had me up until 2-4am for three nights straight and was up at 6am Easter morning. Sleep was appreciated. Everyone felt revived that night. I gave the kids some Easter goodies that Dad and Carol sent and we had an impromptu indoor watergun fight with the kids. I was mainly a target, but I got some fun photos.

Today (Monday) Jimmy mowed the yard and there was a sewage leak under our house. So our landlord came over to fix it. It's better now. Gonna post some photos then go to bed.

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