Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I've been diving into my school work this week. We've only got about two weeks left of school, so I have quizzes and finals all coming up. Plus I am working on this apron project for Design class. It's hard to describe but the overall look is gonna be a 50's style apron made out of magazines and newspapers. The project is about using recycle-able materials. I have a lot of work to still do on it. Classmates are bringing me tons of magazines to cut up. :)
I picked up the check for $800 from the Memorial Loan office. I need to take the check over to student accounting and sign it over to UNT, to pay the majority of my summer tuition. Did I mention, I already own the textbook for the summer class? So, that's handy.
I've been super-stressed and trying to just pray about everything. I've pulled out the big dry-erase calendar and marked in due-dates for my different projects, tests, bills, and whatnot. I did all that scrapbooking when I was trying to de-stress the other afternoon. This week I don't have time to scrapbook, so I just get to walk around prayerfully-stressed. I think that's a conflict, but it's about how I feel.

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