I have an appointment to meet with my adviser tomorrow afternoon before Design lecture. She is gonna sit down with my transcripts and do the paperwork to file my official degree plan... basically mapping out exactly what I need to take to graduate.
As far as I know right now, I need about a dozen classes (including labs). I need:
Costume one & lab (didn't complete because I went into labor)
Theatre History to 1700 (didn't complete because I went into labor)
Statistics (taking it at NCTC, because it will transfer back to UNT like I took 2 math classes)
Spanish 3 (at Midland College)
Spanish 4 (at Midland College)
Art Appreciation for Majors
Drawing Studio (last class for my minor; I can only take it AFTER my portfolio has been reviewed by a committee)
Theatre Lighting 3 & lab
Senior Colloquium
My priorities are Spanish and to Re-take the incompletes, which are in lower level theatre classes. Until the incompletes are replaced, I can't finish my upper-level theatre classes.
I didn't want to take summer school at UNT (just my Spanish classes at Midland). Sadly, I need to since those theatre classes conflict this Fall. *pout* What is cool is that the Costume class I am taking is only 5 weeks long in the summer version, instead of the normal 13 weeks. The bad news is that none of the other classes I need are offered at UNT during the summer. So I'm gonna have to take an elective, just to have enough hours to get financial aide.
So far I am registered for:
***SUMMER 2 July20th-August 1st***
Intro to Moral Issues Monday-Thursday 10-12
Costume One Monday-Thursday 12-5pm
(will register for Spanish 3 & 4 at Midland too)
***FALL 2007***
Theatre History to 1700 (did early registration since this one fills up fast and I NEED it)
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