Costume Design by Jessica Salinas
So I sat in front of the theatre building in the shade listening to some music and writing to-do lists. One of the guys from my crew showed up around 11am. He said that the power went out at his apartment on the other side of Denton and he decided to come early to the play. Sure enough, the power was out on campus and that's why all the buildings were locked. Chris said that all the traffic lights were out between the mall and campus. We didn't know if we'd still get to do the play today or not. The stage manager arrived and let us into the building. The power had been off since 10:30am, so some cool air was trapped in the building and it felt MUCH cooler than outside.
There were emergency lights on because the theatre has back up generators, but that was it. The cast and crew followed "normal" procedure, checking out garments to actors and getting the actors into full makeup, in case the lights came back on in time for the performance. All the clothing racks were in the hallway and my crew drug some mirrors into the lit hallway, so the actors could prepare. We hand sewed half a dozen repairs, since we had no power for the sewing machine. We did everything we could to help the actors.
The play was to start at 2:30pm and the electricity was restored at 2:29pm... seriously. The audience was allowed to buy tickets once the lights came on and they filled most of the seats. The play started 10 minutes late, but otherwise, it went like any other performance.
Following the performance, we had strike. My crew had to check in all the garments, move them upstairs, wash everything, fold or hang everything, put away items that go upstairs and write our self-evaluations. I had to write an evaluation for myself and each person on my crew, since I was the crew head. It ended up being 8 or 9 pages long. *phew* Jim could finally pick me up around 7:45pm. I was so salty feeling, from being in my blacks in the heat for a lot of the day. A shower made me feel so much better.
Tada! Summer school is complete! *visualize my happy dance* Now, I just gotta figure out how we're gonna pay for summer school. One hurdle at a time... tomorrow I want to go to campus to talk with my academic adviser about why I haven't' received my degree plan in the mail, and what I need to take to graduate asap. I'll let yall know how it goes.
Congrats on getting through summer school!!! Doesn't surprise me in the least that you were lead person on the costume crew. I would love to see your costume drawings.
I did costume drawings for the class, but those are not the costumes pictured here. These were designed by Jessica Salinas. :) I'll get my design project back in a few weeks, and can scan those pictures then. Right now the building is locked up for the last 2 weeks of summer.
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