On the first day of School, Tuesday, we left a few minutes early. It was probably a good thing, since the parking was crazy. We had to park down the block from the school and walk the rest of the way. We met another mom with a daughter in Elaine's class walking to the school. She's a scrapbooker (hmmm...).
Elaine didn't care that we left her at school. There were other moms and grandmas crying in the hallway. *Seriously* I had about an hour break then I had to get to class, myself.
Hope and Jim picked her up at 10:50am and took her to lunch at What-a-burger. She was hungry and sleepy and NOT talkative. Later I heard from Elaine that they played outside and played "with shapes. With block shapes." She also said that Mrs. Wallace didn't teach them their alphabet yet, so she sang the alphabet song quietly to herself. lol.
Sounds like Elaine is going to do well in pre-K. Almost seems like she should be in 1st grade already with her knowledge. (Must be in the genes!)
Glad things are working out for your schooling too!
Glad to be of help - which families are suppose to do. Scott and I want to see you graduate next year as you have planned. If you need us, we are here for you.
Much Love,
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