Monday, August 20, 2007

Super Productive Day

This afternoon, we went and bought a copy of Elaine's birth certificate at the county clerk's office, then turned in the paperwork to register her for pre-k. I was turned off by the lack of info on-paper at the school.
I asked about the school's dress code. And the lady at the desk said "whatever is fine". I tried to get specific answers like, Can Elaine wear tank tops? Can she wear flip flop shoes? The lady didn't have a strong 'yes' or 'no' on those. Just that non-flip flop shoes are "preferred" by teachers so the kids can run. I assumed they'd have a info sheet printed up for parents.
Then the lady asked if we'd prefer mornings or afternoons for Elaine to be in school. I was like, "Oh it's a half day?" I wasn't sure about if it's be a full or half day. The lady assumed I already knew that. Excuse me, but this is our oldest child and she hasn't been in school before. How would we know this without the school telling us? I said mornings will be better and had to ask what the specific half-day schedule is. Like, "she should be dropped off and picked up at what time?" Shouldn't they have a single handout for all the kids registering for preschool with the times, teacher's name, room number, typical routine, etc?? Am I nuts for assuming other parents would have 20 questions too? I had to ask to get the list of necessary school supplies. Ugg. Frustration. Anywho... the lady said Elaine has to have her paperwork approved by someone else to make sure we meet the financial requirements for Pre-K. But that someone else isn't in the office today. From here, we just show up at Meet the Teacher night next Monday. And School starts 7:50am Tuesday morning.

Tonight I registered for my college classes. I registered for Theatre History to 1700, and Introduction to Communication. Those are two of my required classes. For my electives (to get financial aide), I registered for Sociology of Religion, and Personal Finance. Personal Finance was an impulse registration. It is at the right time of day and claims to teach steps to home ownership, establishing credit, handling banking, etc. Seems like it'll be time well spent.

1 comment:

The Moo said...

Lots of good stuff going on! Glad the classes worked out.

I have to agree about the lack of info when registering Elaine. Seems like they'd be a bit more organized. But then you and I are just the organized type.