Friday, August 17, 2007


In the meeting with Ms. Martinez this afternoon, I only heard good news. Here's the breakdown:

I only need 8 more classes to meet graduation requirements. This is 100% for sure.
  • I need to take World Theatre to 1700 again, since I didn't finish the class in 2002. I'm trying to register for it this fall. I still need a new secret registration code from my Theatre adviser, Teresa. I early registered for this class, but was dropped when I couldn't pay for EARLY registration. Today I walked over to Teresa's office for the registration code; she's out of town until Monday.
  • I need to take Senior Seminar. It's my last class with the theatre department and meant to help me with interviewing and portfolio skills, to help me find theatre jobs after college.
  • I expected they'd require me to take 'Costume Design' or 'Stage Managing' class. But because I am graduating under the rules from 2001 (when I began at UNT), I don't have to take another upper-level class to finish my degree. So that's one LESS class that I need.
  • Because the Theatre department is in the College of Arts and Sciences, I have to take a single 'Communication' class, that I wasn't aware of. So that's ADDING one class I didn't know about.
  • My Spanish classes at Midland College will transfer completely to UNT. I need Spanish 3 and Spanish 4 still. I'll take them this fall and spring.
  • I need to take Statistics at another college (like Midland College or NCTC), so the credits will transfer back like I took both College Algebra and Statistics. This will save me some money.
  • I can take classes at another school up until my last semester. That semester has to be only at UNT, if I want to graduate from UNT.
  • I need to take Art Appreciation for Majors. I took Art Appreciation (for non-majors) 3 years ago, but evidently Drawing Minors have to take the same class as the Art Majors. *shrug*
  • I need to prepare a portfolio for the Art Department and have it reviewed at the Portfolio Reviews next spring. These sessions are only held in the spring. I can't take the final class for my Drawing minor until after my portfolio has been approved.
  • My last class at UNT will be in the Summer of 2008, after I've had the Art Portfolio Review. It will be Drawing Studio.
  • I'll graduate during the Summer of 2008.
  • There are scheduling conflicts between the classes I need. Most of them are Tuesday/Thursday afternoons this fall. I'll have to space them out between fall and spring. Spacing 8 classes out between two colleges and a few semesters means I will have to take 1-2 filler classes at UNT this fall and maybe one filler class next spring to have the minimum 12 hours each semester to get my financial aide at UNT.
If I don't find a way to pay for the summer semester that just ended, I wont get my fall financial aide at all. My expected fall financial aide will be enough to pay for my UNT fall tuition, Midland College tuition and a few months of rent & utilities. So paying this bill takes care of our financial emergency for the near future. Jim was supposed to fix computers at the church to pay part of my summer tuition, but the church postponed that computer repair due to tight funds on their end. Jim said today that he is gonna apply to cook part time at this church in Denton that had a Want Ad online today. I know that God will work everything out, but I'm praying for continued peace while everything is still up in the air.


Funky Finds said...

hi! thanks for reading funky finds! i'm in arlington. almost went to unt for graphic design, but went to texas tech instead. i loved it, but moved to north texas for work after graduation. anyway, just wanted to drop by your blog! jessica

The Moo said...

Woohoo! I'm so glad for you that the end is in sight! We'll be praying that God will take care of the financial needs and your schedule.