Friday, October 05, 2007

Confirmation of Suspicions

Jimmy did his paper route from 2am-?am. So I got up and walked Elaine to class. Mrs. Wallace pulled me aside and asked if Elaine is allowed to go to the pumpkin patch. I said that my husband and I would take her to one near our church that is very careful about not having any witches, ghosts, spirits or un-dead. Mrs. Wallace sent me to the website for the pumpkin patch that Elaine's class will be visiting. She said, "This one doesn't have any of that either! I really want her to have fun and go with her class." I told Mrs. Wallace that I would look at the website, but that Elaine wouldn't be in school the day of the field trip.

Here are pics from The Pumpkin Express (Argyle, TX), where Elaine's class is going (click on them, if you'd like a larger view):

I spy a witch.

I spy ghosts (along the train path all the kids pass).

I spy ghosts.

I spy un-dead.


Anonymous said...

Stick to your guns on this one!!! I remember when Garland set up the Gifted and Talented program to please the NAACP. The principal and teachers were pressuring the boys in convincing Scott and me to put them in that program. I went to the school and told them that if I wanted them to attend those schools, we would have moved in that school area. We chose to have our boys to go to the same school that their father went to. I also indicated that there were Honor Classes the boys could be put in. I stuck to my guns, and am glad that I did. Don't be bullied.
Much Love

The Moo said...

It doesn't surprise me that those things went without notice. It's a very good reason why you and Jimmy are on the right track. Exposure de-sensitizes us so we don't even see or become aware of those things that aren't in our best interests.

Hang in there girl, you're doing great!