Friday, October 26, 2007

Photos and Updates

Last Monday Rick and Regina took Amy and I to dinner for pizza after work, then we all returned to the shop and worked until 1:15am. We had to pull accessories from the back of the store and match them to costumes that were reserved already for this week. It was good to sit and get to chat with my bosses at dinner and get to know them outside of work.
I've worked every day this week and will work every day til the 31st at least.

*one of my coworkers hamming it up*

We have to/get to wear costumes at work 3 days this week. Tonight was day one. I wore a 1900-1920's Swimsuit and did old age makeup.

Late Wednesday night I completed Micah's Halloween costume. I don't have the cash to mail it to him and haven't received the $ from him for mailing/supplies. I haven't checked the mail yet from today (Friday) so I hope the check is sitting in my mailbox. I could have Jim overnight the costume to Micah in Kentucky tomorrow or Monday. It's running out of time.
I'm proud though... I sewed in my first zipper with a sewing machine. I made the mask and it sits evenly on a head. It all looks pretty cool.
*Me in the costume*
Jim went to bed at 9:30 tonight. He had a bad backache. Jim has an appointment at 2pm with a chiropractor on Monday. We gotta figure who is babysitting the kids for an hour or so. Inevitably, I'll be at work.
Elaine had a tummy ache tonight. She doesn't have many sinus symptoms anymore, so the tummy ache was unexpected. She put herself to bed a little early.
Allan had a fever this morning and wet my bed. But he was fine the rest of the day.
I still have a runny nose and some sinus pressure off and on.
My dad was in North Texas early this week for a job training thing. He had to share a hotel room with a co-worker in Ft.Worth. Wednesday Dad fetched my family and then me from work and we went out for dinner at a Chinese Buffet. I ate lots of sushi. :) Allan kept calling him "Mommy", like he does with everyone he likes. And whenever Dad got up to get some food at dinner, Allan yelled "Mommy come back!! Where are you?!!"

I did early registration this week for a class that I MUST take in the Spring to graduate as planned next summer. It's Theatrical Senior Seminar (aka Sr. Colloquium). So I am registered for that one and ready to go. I'll take Spanish 4 online at Midland College in the Spring. And I'll take Statistics online, maybe through Midland or maybe through NCTC. That'll take care of my math requirement at UNT.

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