I have a paper to write for my Sociology of Religion class. It's not due til a week into November. I have to attend a worship service at a faith different than my own and write a 2-5 page paper about it.
I got my first Exam back today for Sociology of Religion. I got a B. :)
I need to really study for my theatre history midterm. It's in like 2 weeks. We just got back our first three quizzes for that class. I got a low B and two C's!! Grrr. The answers I got wrong were about which authors wrote which Greek and Roman plays, and I got No and Kabuki theatre switched. At least I know which topics to REALLY study on. At least the quizzes don't contribute very much to my overall grade (not compared to papers and Exams).
There was major drama in my communication class today. After spending 4 weeks planning to volunteer at Camp Summit this weekend, my teacher changed her mind and decided that the treatment of special needs children is not a social issue. Instead of arguing (she holds the grade book), we are quickly coming up with a plan B. I suggested the AIDS Services of North Texas as a place we can volunteer. It's like 10 minutes from campus, tops. And folding brochures/stuffing envelopes shouldn't be tough. I'm waiting on my call to be returned from the volunteer coordinator, Heidi. Courtney (one of my team mates) and I have already requested off from work... so we'd LOVE if we can still do our volunteer hours this coming Saturday. I hope I hear back from Heidi before I go to work tomorrow.
Elaine came home from school all excited about a Halloween day field trip to the pumpkin patch. We aren't letting her go since there are bound to be spooky surprises. We limit her exposure to witches, spirits, ghosts and the un-dead (zombies/vampires).

They don't do spooky stuff like witches and goblins at school. They do Fall Festival. You are depriving your child from a fun and educational activity. Instead of depriving her of this opportunity you should be talking to her teacher to find out what they are going to do. You just ASSUME they are going to do something
Don't ya just love an anonymous comment? Hard to judge the wisdom of commentary without knowing the source.
In our family saying "Happy Halloween" is more than we want our kids exposed to at this age. They've already been telling Elaine that it's a Halloween activity.
They are our children and we are making the choices that we think will benefit them in the long run. They don't need to be defended to anyone. Elaine is healthy and happy. Elaine still gets to receive candy, dress up and attend a Christian pumpkin patch that is near our church (same one we went to last year). Doesn't sound like she's too deprived to me. -Liss
So, your child is different from the others. She is going to stand out from the rest of the class because she is not going to be with them. You are setting her up to be the ODD kid in the class. A Christian Pumpkin patch?? How absurd! Very funny! Do they have crosses on them?
Any kid raised by me was bound to be odd. :)
At the Christian-owned patch they have cut outs of Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues, Barney, Woody & Buzz, and etcetera instead of ghosts and ghouls. Elaine had her photo taken with Dora last year and loved it.
I think you are doing a GREAT job at raising Elaine and Allan!! Keep your beliefs!! Do NOT change them for anyone, especially someone that is too cowardly to leave their name!! And to you Mr/Mrs annonymous, How dare you read someone else's blog and leave them rude ridiculous comments?!?! Obviously you are not a friend of Liss' or you would not be leaving these comments for her. And I bet your children are just raised correctly, yeah right!! Go comment on someone elses blogs and leave Liss alone!!!!
Familiarity breeds content. Content breeds indifference. Indifference breeds apathy. Apathy breeds destruction. Since we are raising children instead of robots, it will be nice of Elaine to stand out. She will be an individual in her life, faith and values. Thank you for asserting our duty to raise our child in a matter which most defines her character.
She is a daughter of the most High God and that being said, she will have a firm and definitive understanding of absolute law and moral authority, something which is severely lacking in this generation. I will not sit idly by while the world tries to influence my daughter into what they want. Instead, every opportunity will be made to instill Godly principles on her that will be her legacy for generations to come.
Hey Miss Liss!! We don't celebrate Halloween in our home either! No dressing up and no candy giving. We are ODD too but as Christians, we are called to be different. Different from the world and its enticements! Keep up the good work!!
Miss Liss and Tex are doing an awesome job with their children. They are loving, sweet, giving young people.
I know the kids will grow up to be unique and possibly "different", but if they're anything like their mom and dad then they'll be wonderful people!
We haven't celebrated Halloween for years but we've always participated in Fall Festivals with all the fun and none of the negative.
Keep up the awesome job Liss and Tex!
why are ghosts and witches bad, but pirates (who pillage, kill, rape, etc.) are ok? Is that the type of behavior you want to encourage to your kids?
How is a boy who doesn't age and consorts with faireys consistent with Biblical teachings? I think Peter Pan is every bit as dangerous as vampires, ghouls or vampire-ghouls.
We never claimed to be righteous. We are taking steps in the right direction. Don't judge on where we are, but judge from where we've come (that which a stranger would not know).
This blog is for my family and close friends to support my academic pursuits and family. That does not seem to be your goal, so you are welcome to find other reading material.
But it is so entertaining!
Hypocrisy duly noted: will remedy asap.
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