The day after I realized that I am sick (not just allergies) then Allan's sniffles progressed into tossing his cookies. The sinus drip messed with his stomach. He's been sick off and on since Wednesday.
And as of this afternoon, Elaine is also sick with sniffles and has tossed her cookies 4 times so far (the night is young).
Poor Jimmy; He did his paper route last night and only got 3 hours of sleep between the job and his aches. And now he had to deal with two sick kiddos all day. By the way, today was the day Elaine skipped due to the field trip to the pumpkin patch, so she was already home when she started getting really sick. Jim took his pain meds once last night and then not again until I got off of work tonight. He's taking it easy now that I'm home to help with the kiddos.
I'm sick, but I seem to be managing. I worked from 9:30-7pm on Monday, 9:30-6pm Wednesday, 4pm-7pm on Thursday and 9:30 -6pm tonight. I'm working all day tomorrow too. My female boss and I get along really well. She reminds me of my "big Sister" Pamela. When I was about to leave work at 6pm, as scheduled, Regina hugged my neck and said that she hates when I'm not at work. I told her that was such a nice compliment.
On Thursday, I had a meeting with my academic adviser to get the registration password for one of my last classes. I'm going to register soon for the Spring semester to make sure I get into the classes I need.
Since I had the meeting with my adviser immediately following my theatre history class, my classmate Chris drove me to work following the adviser meeting. He saved Jimmy from driving out to UNT in the middle of the day, just to drive me 2 miles to work . Between Chris giving me a ride, Trisha watching Allan the on Tuesday and all the nice emails I've received, it's nice to see how many people care about my family following the wreck.
We've had a rental car since Tuesday, paid for by the other driver's insurance. The claims adjuster said our Van was "totaled". He paid Jimmy for our van. The insurance company estimated it at over standard Kelly Bluebook Value for the Windstar, so Jim took that offer. They paid Jim back for the new carseats. They paid for the 11 months we haven't used on the Windstar's recent registration and inspection. They also paid Jim back for when we filled his pain med prescription. The books aren't closed on his medical bills, in case he is still hurting in the future. He has up to two years to wrap up his medical stuff from the wreck with her insurance company.
We have to turn in the rental car tomorrow. So Jim and the kids have to find a replacement van while I'm at work tomorrow. I think Steven is coming up to Denton, to meet with Jim and the boys are gonna put their heads together to find the replacement van.
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