Thursday, October 04, 2007


There has been someone leaving lots of comments on my blog from a few days ago. This person is criticizing my choices as a mother and has called my daughter "odd". I suggested that they move on to other reading material. And they made it clear that wont happen.
I changed the address to this blog. They can probably still find my blog easily enough. But it's worth a shot. I've also set up the blog so that comments wont be public until they are approved by me. I think this person gets their jollies seeing their comments and the reaction it brings. No sense in feeding the flames.
My blog is basically to keep Grandma Robin, Gramps, Ema & Epa filled in about the grand babies. They are welcome to leave me input, as are my good friends. But strangers who I don't know have no place criticizing me as a mother. I have enough on my plate.

I'm sorry to all my web ring friends who will have to update their blogs to reflect my new web address. Much love to everyone who had my back.

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