Regina and Rick said that I could go ahead and leave work early, to take the kids out for Happy Hallelujah. Regina said that the other staff folks could clean up, since I usually help cover their jobs. Regina was also leaving early to go to her church's Fall Festival. We were invited, so that's where my family went too. They had a bounce house, some hot dogs & nachos, indoor games for little kids and some craft projects.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Hallelujah
Around 7pm my hubby and kiddos showed up at work to check in and see how long I'd be cleaning up the store after the store closed. Jimmy already had the kids in their costumes and ready to go. When they popped into the store, I barely noticed them and then they disappeared into the Krogers since I looked busy.
Regina and Rick said that I could go ahead and leave work early, to take the kids out for Happy Hallelujah. Regina said that the other staff folks could clean up, since I usually help cover their jobs. Regina was also leaving early to go to her church's Fall Festival. We were invited, so that's where my family went too. They had a bounce house, some hot dogs & nachos, indoor games for little kids and some craft projects.
[This black pirate hat was getting tossed out at work since it has a hole in it. I saved it and bought a purple feather to plug the hole. Since the rest of Elaine's costumes was made of scraps from other projects, it only cost me $2 for the feather plume.]
[Allan outgrew this sweat shirt's sleeves las fall and he outgrew the length for these green PJ bottoms early this Spring. So I just had to cut the top and bottoms with scissors to make them look more like peter pan. I bought the hat for $6 at work. So all together I spent $8 on costumes for 2 kids. Not bad at all. ]

Regina's church had fall-themed crafts. Elaine decorated a little purse with her name and a face. This church's fall fest ended at 8pm, so we only were there for about 40 minutes. Elaine wanted to do more stuff, so we took her to another church's fall festival. It was at an even smaller church. They had lots of tossing games, that both kids enjoyed. We only stayed about 20 minutes, if that. Jim didn't want the kids to get too much candy, so we headed on home. Jimmy heated up a late dinner of Chicken wraps while the kids watched 'Peter pan'.
That spot wasn't on his shirt at the beginning of the night. :o)

(Looks almost like me in 1998-99. Back in my black lipstick, white face, dark clothing phase.)

Regina and Rick said that I could go ahead and leave work early, to take the kids out for Happy Hallelujah. Regina said that the other staff folks could clean up, since I usually help cover their jobs. Regina was also leaving early to go to her church's Fall Festival. We were invited, so that's where my family went too. They had a bounce house, some hot dogs & nachos, indoor games for little kids and some craft projects.
1 comment:
Love all the costumes. Elaine was so pretty and her outfit was awesome. Allan made a perfect Peter Pan. I especially like the picture of him dressed as Peter Pan watching Peter Pan.
You, as usual, looked awesome!
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